Bruce Radford
Why I joined Rotary
I moved to St. Marys in 2009 and didn’t know very many people. My out of town business was in the process of closing and I started making local real estate investments. It was important to me to make a contribution to this community. I noticed that Rotary was making St. Marys a better place to live. Mark Oliver introduced me to the club, and he showed me that Rotary supports more programs and initiatives than I imagined, including sponsoring exchange students. But Rotary has another part to play: the organization is active throughout the world, has made and continues to make life changing contributions to humanity.
The organization attracted me by its visibility but the bonus is that it’s a very social club. Dinner meetings are held every week with lots of time for interaction with others. The club encourages members to plan and become involved in local projects. The combination of friendship and participation in worthwhile community events keeps people coming back. For this reason most Rotarians tend to hang around. I plan to stay.