Stan Malcolm:
My Rotary Story:
   The late Jack Whyte proposed me for membership in the Rotary Club of Stratford, after inviting me to several meetings at ( presumably ) his own expense. He solicited me at my business and counselled me that becoming a Rotarian would be a win-win. Jack proposed more members in that club than anyone else before or since.
Continuing to belong to Rotary provides Synergy to our individual efforts. Hence, my small contribution can be multiplied physically and financially through the Service Vehicle which is Rotary. Through Rotary International, I have real and valued friends nearby and in several places abroad. Without exception, these are intelligent, focused, and generous people who add to my pride in belonging to an organization which enjoys unblemished success on all fronts.
The question of "When did I realize that I was a Rotarian, as separate from a Knife and Forker" is difficult for me. Since much good work is done over food and drink (In Vino Veritas!), the regular meetings will always be central to continuity and consensus. For me, becoming a true Rotarian is a  life long apprenticeship. There have been many experiences, learning, emotional, and motivational, which come to mind. To have a chance conversation with PRI Pres. D.K. Lee was motivational. He is very successful in business and is giving back. To have visited a class of reformed   Guerrillas who would like to have their lives back was emotional! Working with District 6330, particularly in the Peace Fellowship program was a unique learning experience.
Thank you Rotary Club of St. Marys for honouring me with membership.